Early the kiddie rides were integrated in the marketing concepts of corporate business. Thus leading to custom products like for example the Salamander-Lurchi, the Benetton Racing Car, the Ronald McDonald Carousel and three other McDonald devices, the Vedes Carousel, the LEGO locomotive, the Quick-Schuh Frog, the Obi beaver, the FRITT Carousels and the TUI car.
Special islands for kids, equipped with up to 15 devices, were developed for highly frequented places like shopping malls and general stores.
Very successful is the Kinderplanet rental system (only available in Germany), where the customer pays a monthly fee while getting the whole earnings the rides produce. That opens great options for the Kinderplanet products. |
Specially made tokens, with the logo of the customer can be given as a "Thankyou" to purchasers. A lot of our customers won't miss this type advertisement anymore.
Pleased customers of Kinderplanet - among others - are: Woolworth, Kaufhof, Karstadt, REAL, Salamander, Benetton, McDonalds, Vedes, TUI, Globus, KfC, MFI, ECE, Toys R Us and a lot of other very well known names.
Also for the future the Kinderplanet team is your partner for maximised advertising effects and lucrative innovations. Let us surprise you!